Jan 1, 2015

New Year's resolutions

I am very realistic and I have my resolutions throughout the whole year, not only in the new year. And mine are sincere; I don't consider to quit, for example.

Now, when I propose myself to do whatever, does not stay all in mere words.

Neither I regret my bad luck nor I believe in my good luck, but on my constant effort to make my life what I want. Not for me to stay in a corner drowned in self-pity.

No one has heard me (nor read) whining because this or that slave is not what he claimed to be, because if I'm not going to own that slave (for whatever reason), there are many others willing to be in that place and if they are not what I want, I myself will mold them to my taste... or release them if things do not evolve.

I don't go into personal quarrels taking part in one side or another, because I appreciate my criteria (which never is based on what others think, but in my own opinion). The only one side where I am is in mine, since I am very free and so I will remain.

For some I'm cold and arrogant for others warm and close, but what I will never cease to be is CruelDama.

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