Jun 5, 2013

Punishment and training

The issue of punishment is very personal, each one impose corrective and penalties her way or the way that she considers most appropriate.

I personally do not like to punish, it means a continued and conscious lack of the slave and that is something that bothers me because although it may consist of some kind of provocation, represents to me a lack of respect.

For a minor offense you can apply a corrective, but when the lack is serious can not go unanswered. And of course, if the error still persists, take more drastic measures.

I resort to punishment when absolutely necessary, but do not enjoy it for what I said. I do not usually punish without reason, I think there must be a specific reason, unless I feel playful and "punish" for the pleasure of it, although I know that in these cases the slave will do such a thing because I feel like.

Neither apply or impose punishments "in hot". If I'm upset I prefer to let things cool down and, even allowing a time (time that the slave will continue waiting for my decision), the punishment will not go unpunished. Thus the lesson is usually higher than with immediate punishment and not meditated.

I do not like threats, or punishment or I do not, but playing with threats dampens the effect of what I want to achieve.

And, needless to say, once the punishment has been the issue is settled. Not good for either party to insist on a fault that has already been paid because grudges and insecurities can arise that eventually may undermine the relationship.

I like punishments involving emotional effort for the slave and which involves so he knows at all times that he does because he must, not only because I've ordered. But there are so many ways to punish as we can come, to each is applied the more it costs, otherwise it would not be a punishment and would reoffend without fear of consequences.


  1. An interesting take on the role of Punishment. Personally i don't mind what some would call "Funishment" playful spankings but if we're talking of a punishment because say i didn't perform some task as your slave, then not punishing in the heat of anger but after deliberation in a measured way makes more sense and is more likely to keep things safe.

  2. In my opinion one must know to punish each offense adequately if we wish such failures do not recur and, thereby channeling behavior toward where we want to.

    Thanks, Belinda.
