Feb 13, 2015


Not impressed by the promises of endless luxuries that I read. Sometimes I receive certain emails where senders make a display of endless fantasies that, in comparison, King Midas seems a one day labourer.

It's great let your imagination fly, we all like to dream, but I am a very realistic woman, of those who know that prefers the stories and tales in book or movie form to distract herself a while.

And it's not difficult to remove all that wordiness. Enough to send these novelists to the Serve Me tab on my website so that they disappear within a matter of nanoseconds.

In the same section you can read phrases like: "I've rejected more stupids with money than I can remember."

Even being a Financial Domme, I prefer reality and sincerity of those who send me a gift from time to time than to endure speeches that will never cease to be just that, words.

Whoever wants to be entertained by email exchanges appealing to my greed, quickly discovers that does not work with me. On the internet you will find endless lists of instadommes willing to endure crap in exchange for promises ;)

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