Dec 19, 2014

Disagreeing about clouds

In my journey through these worlds, I think I've seen just about anything, but I keep finding new ways of fun and surprise.

For example, the other day, in a social network, someone was associating Financial Domination to prostitution, stuffing her mouth with big words to emphasize a rather ridiculous position before things she completely unknown. And I say that she unknown because I was reading her arguments and, after a brief exchange of publications, she admitted that there are many closed minds (not included herself, of course) and it was a shame and such...

I do not usually take part in this sort of thing, because everyone is free to think what everyone want, but the user flaunted a lack of knowledge on the subject, associating Financial Domination to exchange money for sexual services and the administration of the assets of the slaves (she called them "subjects"). Amazing.

I don't force anyone to accept a practice or another (honestly, I have more to do in my life than making speeches or recruiting anyone to any cause), but what I would never do is to insult those who do different things.

I can make a suggestion. Before you criticize, insult or bark, try to inform yourself about how things are and not how you imagine the things are. And, above all, respect others the same way you expect others to respect you.

And, by the way, to all of you that send me emails asking me how to extract money from slaves, I announce that I will not answer such nonsense. My slaves are my property and my properties must ALSO be respected. They admit my humiliation and from whom I decide, but the rest of the world has no rights over them. Seek yours and make sausages with them if it is what you want; even accepting gifts and dinners, it doesn't have anything wrong (thing that the aforementioned defended). By that token... this could be called covert prostitution? ;)

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