Jun 11, 2013

The sieve of the discerning

We sailed here and there, read some forum, enter a chat, we look at the social networks ... And through so much virtual walk is not difficult to finish by reading someone accusing another with Nick in lowercase, normally indicative of the submissive role, accusing him of not being a submissive.

In my opinion there is not only one type of submissive, everyone decides how far want to get involved (if you want to get involved, that there are cases where the accusation is made following a rejection of the alleged non-submissive and nobody is forced to surrender to those who do not want to).

Who is qualified to decide at a glance that Peter or John is a submissive or not? And I'll go a little further ... Is the judge that stands in a real Dominant?.

A lowercase Nick-name not always expressed the role. Not everyone handles nimbly chat codes, maybe because he has to do more things in life that remain hour after hour in a chat or social networks boasting to know a lot of BDSM, it could be, right?

Is that all uppercase nicks are owned by Dominants? Here you have a lot to say, but I leave the answer to your choice ;)

Sometimes, reading some, I wonder if a vanilla, a curious, a not submissive but masochist ... have the right to life, as to be admitted to certain sites has to drop to the learned (and there are always a few everywhere).

Well, that or being a woman, a female Nick does not usually have those problems. We've all seen "Dominants" drooling to female nicks (it seems that in these cases whether they are true submissive does not matter) :)

When will we learn to live and let live?


  1. Food for thought today, Mistress.
    While i would agree that a person has the right to self identify and label themselves as a submissive, the one who is best qualified to say if the person truly is, is a Dominant because of their experience in finding the submissive as well as experiencing in handling that dynamic in a relationship.
    my experience with Dominants is You can almost smell the submissives to the point you know better than they do just how far they can go, unravelling kinks. Equally You can tell those who might like to think they are but really have so much ego that they are trying to top You verbally, dictating the terms. i think we all know that never works out well.

    1. I can agree with what you exhibit if who is awarded the qualification of what is truly Dominant, but how many of those who claim to be they really are?

      Considering also that not all Dominants are suitable for all submissives, by what right is accused of falsehood to someone who may not be complementary to him and can be to another Dominant?

      As you say: Food for thought today ;)
