It seems that the scientific community finally starts going over their retrograde squared concepts in what regards to BDSM. As at the time homosexuality was discontinued as psychopathology, a Dutch psychologist these days sets a precedent questioning that BDSM practitioners continue being considered ill pathological and, to that end, carried out a study that reaches curious conclusions.
Is this a first step in assuming that we are not "sick"? Time will tell, I copy the drafting of my slave magic, psychologist, summarizing the article published in a scientific journal a few days ago.
The May 16 was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine to research conducted by the University of Tilburg (Netherlands), directed by psychologist Andreas Wismeijer, which questions the validity of the BDSM this included in the latest edition of DSM-5 as a psychiatric disorder (paraphilia).
The hypothesis to the present study were always malicious, intended to confirm the inclusion of BDSM in the DSM: If the abuse those practiced routinely accepted and shall not feel piety, or any legal complaint by users will BDSM practitioners because they have mental or atrophied feelings... Although the results confirmed these hypotheses have never deterministic, BDSM has remained in the list of paraphilias DSM psychopathological, by tradition and be a different lifestyle, a standardized social custom.
Wismeijer and colleagues sought to do a study on how they affect induced personal secrets. covert sects or communities to the psychological health of individuals. Passed a series of psychological questionnaires to 902 practitioners of BDSM (secret community) and 434 practitioners 'vanilla' (standard group).
Questionnaires were about personality, sensitivity to rejection, degree of satisfaction obtained by sex, and attachment style in relationships being kept.
The results show that BDSM practitioners have similar psychological problems than the general population, yet they are more outgoing, more open to new experiences, more tolerant of others and more aware of how to achieve their personal wellness satisfaction.
BDSM in the sample, 75% were women, of which only 8% were dominant and 16% switch. Of the males, 48% were dominant and 18% switch. The submissive (74% of them and 33% of them) generally have lower scores in their secret community, so would be more vulnerable to mental disorder, but scored higher than the group "vanilla".
The low scores in anxiety bedesemers shows a population less neurotic. Our biggest frustration tolerance makes us less paranoid. The higher satisfaction gained in BDSM practices makes us people more attached to our partners.
Wismeijer concludes that the BDSM practice is done in a sane, safe and consensual by the participants generates positive mental health and therefore a MAYOR (potentially) MENTAL HEALTH bedesemeros practitioners.
Why society that cares for the welfare of citizens, penalizes maintaining a lifestyle BDSM DSM listed?
Although I never worried about my acceptance of the masses, it seems that many are beginning to see the light. Draw your own conclusions. :)
Personally i never understood why it should be listed but if we're moving to the point that can be considered as different but not harmful behaviour to the mainstream, that has to be a good thing.