Jan 9, 2013

Submissive and slave

Differences between submissive and slave, although sometimes subtle, are clear.

A submissive consensual with me limits and practices. Logically, if they don't interest me or not agree on these points, the relationship has no future, because if I demand more than he can give of himself or if just bored at times, it is best to initially clarify prevent either waste time.

A slave has no limits, follows mine. The slave does not think in terms of submission but property, does not make decisions, is more inclined to perform independent uncomfortable temente that are repetitive or unpleasant. Do not expect to be consulted, accepts the decision. No raises end the relationship but may do so at any time legally, but the property is subject no more rights than I want to give.

The submissive, either by personal circumstances or by choice, is saved plots himself but on the terms agreed is given to me completely. I can force some limits and other immovable.

These are just some of the differences between the two, but even there, does not mean one is better than the other but which are different.

And in many cases a submissive surrending slave, but this requires a large mutual understanding is achieved over time.

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