Jun 28, 2013

Notice to web surfers

CruelDama and magic
All of us who have a blog on the Blogger platform about BDSM, FemDom, porn, sex or any other adult content, were surprised yesterday with a unique mail in our inboxes. It reads:

Major change in policy on adult content Blogger're writing because you are the administrator of a hosted blog in Blogger that contains adult content. We notify you that on Sunday June 30, 2013 we will change our Content Policy to prohibit strictly the obtaining of income through adult content posted on Blogger. Under this policy, as of June 30, 2013 will remove all adult content blogs that advertise websites with content not suitable for minors. If your blog has adult ads, you should remove them as soon as possible if you will not violate the Terms of Service or content that we remove yours.

Ultimately, those who, either by mistake or by ignorance, have hosted and/or linked web pages and blogs on the subject peers, will disappear first. What follows? will cancel all blogs with adult content even putting the restriction on entry?

I can not understand this kind of decision from the Blogger team, but we have to accept being a free site and see how our work here is gone.

Today I give this notice if any day you enter and the blog no longer exists, which could happen at any time, but I'll investigate other blog hosting platforms if it were the case. Even I am considering to design another dynamic website where peacefully continue writing (making it dynamic you could interact with your comments like you do here).

But this I will decide on my return, I've taken a few lazy days on the coast and I want to enjoy them. Anyway, suggestions are welcome ;)

1 comment:

  1. I just wonder where this idea has come as they're not saying you can't have adult content but you can't have adult ads on it (as a means of making money).
    Wordpress is one option as they do accept adult blogs and you can import blogger blogs into it.
